Heavenly Healing Massage

“If your hands are gentle and loving, your patient will feel the sincerity of your heart, his soul will reach out to yours and God’s healing power will flow through you both.”
—Aunty Margaret Machado, renowned kahuna, Lomilomi master, and “living treasure” of Hawaii
Pause, relax, and still your mind while you let go of the stresses that have accumulated in your body.
Developed over many years, my signature Heavenly Healing Massage is the unique melding of many practices including Esalen massage and the ancient traditional Hawaiian Lomilomi which features long flowing strokes that reflect the rhythms of ocean waves.
Gentle and deep, this unique treatment harmonizes your physical body and energy field by combining nurturing massage therapy with focused energy techniques that support the essential flow of energy in your body. This almost always results in emotional equilibrium and physical conditions being restored to their natural states of well-being.
Using organic oils and aromatherapy essences infused with loving care, a Heavenly Healing Massage will ease the troubled places in your body, allowing the stress of everyday life to recede and the vital life force to flow more easily. Following a Heavenly Healing Massage, you will feel nurtured, serene, and deeply rested.
Each treatment is uniquely tailored with detailed attention to the needs of your body.
“Just wanted to let you know that I slept almost 10 hours straight last night! Thank you for that and for the wonderful healing. I feel so much better both mentally and physically – and I have the feeling that my arm is healing quickly.” —Dorte
“Thank you for your lovely treatments. It was pure wellness for body and soul.” —Michael
“After one of Robin’s amazing Heavenly Healing Massages my body is deeply relaxed and my mind profoundly calm.” —David Holzer
“Thank you again for the wonderful massage and energy healing, which I enjoyed a lot and which really did something profound with me. I am really looking forward to seeing you again for more sessions when I am back on the island.” —Maren
Listen to Agatha as she shares her experience:
Heavenly Healing Massage
Allow 75-90 minutes for the appointment
Fee: 100 €
The sessions take place in my studio in Deia, Mallorca