SKYourself® Certification Training
Become a SKY Coach

It has been said that healing the world is an inside job.
SKYourself® is a way to restore balance on the inside and bring harmony to the world.
May 10-13, 2024 | Online
Los Angeles ● 8:00 AM | New York ● 11:00 AM | London ● 4:00 PM | Madrid ● 5:00 PM | Sri Lanka ● 8:30 PM
For other timezones see:
SKYourself® is a unique energetic healing method that clears emotional blockages.
When we first emerged into this world, we emerged as a pure being, open to a new world full of possibilities and potential that shaped us into the people we are today.
Depending on the experiences we encounter during our lives and our reactions to them, some of these experiences have resulted in weighted emotions such as anxiety, fear, and anger.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could return to our natural state of being, liberated from the painful stories we tell ourselves that often seem to run on auto-repeat and instead be able to greet the world with inner peace, confidence, and joy?
Sometimes to become free from the painful thoughts and feelings that cause our suffering, a tool or method is needed. SKYourself® is such a method. The SKYourself® process enables you to release emotional blockages and reconnect with your authentic self.
How does it work?
The SKYourself® method allows you to access the subtle energy body referred to as the Manomaya Kosha in the Vedic Sciences, and dissolve forever these subconscious emotions and emotional patterns.
For example, let’s take a look at anger. In its pure form anger is the extra energy we need to overcome obstacles. When it comes up appropriately it can be a teaching. However, the problem lies in indulging our anger. Then it becomes tinged with self-justification and can alienate us from others, harm relationships, and compromise our health. Just trying to “think positive” does not change the underlying emotions, because they are not on the level of thought. The SKYourself® method allows you to go beneath this level to the very seeds of the emotions and dissolve them.
By going beneath the level of thought and accessing the emotions directly, you can clear patterns that have been imprinted from your personal life, learned reactions from multi-generational family stresses, and the effects of living in a society that is in turmoil.
Why I value the SKYourself® training
The SKYourself® method has had a powerful impact on my personal life, and I’ve witnessed its healing effects on many others. During the SKYourself® course you learn not only how to do this for yourself and others but also how to use SKY silently to affect the world around you. In the initiation, you receive a siddhi, a superpower that will allow you to penetrate this deep level. During the training, you spend a lot of time practicing.
SKYourself® is a fabulous tool that once learned you will have for the rest of your life.
It is not important if you have previous experience as a therapist or in other healing arts. By the end of the training, you will be certified to practice with clients, although you may also choose to use this just for yourself.
It is a truly amazing and powerful tool!
Seminar Highlights
- You will learn and experience the SKYourself® method, a tool that will benefit you for the rest of your life
- Receive detailed instructions on how to gain access to subtle, inner abilities to resolve negative emotional states and experience a healthier and more fulfilling relationship with yourself and others
- Awaken to more presence
- Be part of an international community of compassionate SKYourself® practitioners
- Benefit from online SKYourself® Refresher practice sessions
- Add to your skills as a therapist or healing practitioner
- Become certified to practice as a SKYourself® coach
- Contribute to greater peace within your family, your community, the world
During the seminar, you will be given detailed instructions on how you can use SKY for yourself, with children and animals, as well as in public situations.
You will learn how to carry out a deep resolution process with your family, friends, and clients and will experience and actively perform this process in the course of the seminar.
The SKYourself® Certification Training will be taught by Robin Johnson, manager of the amazinGRACE® and SKYourself® trainings in English. The SKYourself® course offers profound healing skills for emotional well-being.
Online Format
The training takes place in four modules of 2.5 hours each (Friday – Monday) and it is imperative to be present for all sessions. An advantage to the online format, in addition to eliminating travel costs, is that it is accessible to most time zones.
Origin of SKYourself®
The SKYourself® method, developed by Annette Müller, has been taught at the San Esprit Healing Center in Germany since 2010. It is recognized as being so effective in treating trauma that the German government will pay for its social workers to take the training.
Feedback about the online training

Photo credit: Aaron Burden
“This SKYourself training has been revelatory and life affirming. It opened pathways in me that were blocked and tucked away out of sight and out of reach. Now cleared, my energy is flowing like a beautiful river, gently tumbling over boulders, and cleansing the stream along the way. What a liberation!
This clear and lasered process is what makes it so powerful and effective at clearing emotions which, too often, stay hidden beneath life’s frustrations and ongoing problems. Robin’s gentle and clear way of teaching the SKYourself process imbues each practitioner with this amazing healing modality which in turn, and through sharing, will help heal and lift the energy on this planet.”
—Joanne Warfield, Venice California
Feedback from students at the SKYourself trainings in Germany and Mallorca
More feedback about the SKYourself® training
SKY is a highly effective way to move past the stories we tell ourselves to the real source of the emotions that may be limiting us so that we can release them. It works directly and quickly, and Robin’s instruction in the Certification Training was clear and demonstrated her deep knowledge of SKY. I was able to reach clarity on an issue I’ve dealt with for years and release its impact on me by being coached through the SKY process during our training. It is a remarkable tool.
—Jean Mattimore, Portland, Maine
“Thank you so much Robin for diving so deeply in your heart in order to share and teach us this Unique technique of SKYourself. Your transparency invites me to shed my judgments and doubts about myself and encourages me also to dive deeply to find out who I really am.”
—Isa, Quebec, Canada
“Just finished a four day Sky Training with the Robin. Robin is a great teacher and held space for us to receive this beautiful healing modality. This was one of the best trainings on emotional healing I’ve attended.
Being fully immersed in the process, as we practiced with each other, it acted as a catalyst towards a “burning off” of emotional stories I was holding onto. And I watched it happen with my classmates too.
I highly recommend Sky Training to anyone on a personal journey or someone working with clients towards living in balance with who you truly are and the world that surrounds us. This works and works fast. Being emotionally stuck no longer has to be a place.
You can free yourself”.
—Columba, Marietta, Georgia
- Fee € 350 EUR (if you are outside of the EU the payment will automatically be converted to your local currency)
- Pay in Full or secure your place with a non-refundable deposit of € 100
- Balance is payable by bank transfer, credit card, or PayPal.
- Cancellation: if you need to cancel, the deposit amount is non-refundable but you may apply your payment to another SKYourself® training or personal SKY sessions.
Deposit only: € 100
Payment in Full: € 350