Group Healing Meditation with SKYourself®

Sunday 14 April  |  Mountain Wellness Centre in Deia 

Sunday 19 May  |  Temple in Santa Catalina, Palma

“Meditating in a group is very powerful,” says Gabrielle Bernstein, New York Times bestselling author and motivational speaker. “The shared intention of the group elevates each individual. When one or more gather with the intention to heal and grow, great shifts can occur. The group’s collective energy has a massive impact on the world.”

SKYourself® is a proven technique that can free you from negative emotional patterns.  It is a simple and elegant method that dissolves emotions such as depression, fear, anxiety, jealousy, anger, and grief quickly, safely and sustainably.

When the blockages are dissolved you have a renewed sense of vitality, confidence and inner peace.  This can lead to greater health, happiness, success and fulfilling relationships.

Recently I facilitated an online SKYourself® group healing meditation to nearly 300 people in Russia with various stages of cancer and the results were stunning.  Everyone experienced a positive change, from fear to peace or from anger to love and acceptance.

During a SKYourself® group meditation I moved through blocks I didn’t even realize I had until they were gone, which allowed me to open more fully to the flow of life.  My experience was so profound that four years ago I become a SKYourself® coach and in 2017 I took the teacher training so I can now share this gift with you.

Bring:  three sheets of paper or a journal, a pen or pencil, and wear comfortable clothes.   Do not bring food or beverages.  Following the meditation Temple will provide blue-algae water and delicious snacks.

In the SKYourself® group healing process your privacy is protected. You will not be asked to share anything of a personal nature.

SKYourself® Group Healing Meditation

Date    31 March 2019

TEMPLE    C/ Pou, 24, Santa Catalina · 07013 Palma de Mallorca


Date    14 April 2019

MOUNTAIN WELLNESS CENTRE    C/ Arxiduc Luís Salvador, 12 ·  07179 Deia


Time  10:30 to 12:00

Cost  10 € euros


Feedback about the training from a new SKYourself® practitioner
“Before coming to the SKY training, I had a very limited idea of how it worked, both in a practical sense and also energetically. Robin gently guided us through our learning process with patience and clarity, fielding our (my!) many questions and initial confusions with calm, clear and well-founded explanations. Her vast experience of the process means that she is fully grounded in its subtle but profound effects on peoples lives. Having now received (from Robin) and given SKY sessions, I can attest to the ease with which this process brings us back to our true selves.”

Louisa Collyns, Ibiza, Spain (

SKYourself® Certification Training   …