SKYourself® Group Healing

Photo credit: Emiel Molenaar on Unsplash
The mind in its natural state can be compared to the sky, covered by layers of cloud which hide its true nature
—H. H. Dalai Lama
Sunday, 27 April 2025
Los Angeles ● 10:00 AM PDT | New York ● 1:00 PM EDT | London ● 6:00 PM BST | Madrid ● 7:00 PM CEST
For other time-zones see:
I would like to introduce you to a gentle yet powerful experience to free yourself from emotional blockages that diminish your life and well-being.
The SKYourself® method is a simple and proven technique that dissolves emotions such as depression, fear, anxiety, jealousy, anger, and grief quickly, safely, and sustainably. You can experience this in a group setting or in more personalized one-on-one sessions.
When the blockages are dissolved you have a renewed sense of vitality, confidence, and inner peace. This can lead to greater health, happiness, success, and fulfilling relationships.
The core levels of underlying energy patterns will be released through a purely energetic process. SKYourself® combines elements of psychology with very high vibrational energy work thus engaging the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of one’s being.
SKY Group Healing experience
We will begin with an overview of SKY. Then, with your blank paper and pen in hand, I will be asking you two questions before the SKY process and another question afterward that you will be writing down. It is not necessary to share any personal information and your answers will be private to you only. During the session, you will be in silence with your eyes closed as I guide you through this beautiful process. Allow 1-1/2 hours for our time together.
Below are a few comments from participants
“I went from fear, terror, being ‘stagnant’ stuck frozen……….feeling…. love ……..for (all) instead of the wall of fear, the obstacle, was a new sense of letting things flow and just moving simply without having to control the answer. being okay to be vulnerable….and then feeling my joy!”
“Thank you so much for this. It was a very interesting experience for me, the energy leaving my body was amazing and the space left over and the calmness that replaced the feelings of being trapped. I feel so much better” ❤️
“It was wonderful. Anger turned into forgiveness and understanding. thank you very much.”
“My emotions changed from pain and sadness to loving what is and self-love.”
“Self-doubt and fear turned into trust in life, serenity, and confidence, becoming aware of my higher self. Thank you.”
The origin of SKYourself®
The SKYourself® method, developed by Annette Müller, has been taught at the San Esprit Healing Center in Germany since 2010. It is recognized as being so effective in treating trauma that the German government will pay for its social worker to take the training.

Sign-Up Now!
15 € EUR
(approx. $16.00 USD)
Bring to the session: a journal or paper and a pen.
In the SKYourself® group healing process your privacy is protected. You will not be asked to share anything of a personal nature.
New dates announced soon! | Online
What is SKYourself®?
SKYourself® is a unique energetic healing method that clears emotional blockages.
SKYourself® brings together elements of energetic work, spirituality, modern psychology and therapy to resolve emotional blockages, allowing you to free yourself and others from these bonds. This allows you to experience more joy, deep peace, and to add to the coherence and healing of our world.
The SKYourself® training is for both professional therapists and laypersons. SKYourself® can be used on yourself and others including animals and children.
The training takes place in four modules of 2.5 hours each (Thursday – Sunday) and it is imperative to be present for all sessions.
“This SKYourself training has been revelatory and life affirming. It opened pathways in me that were blocked and tucked away out of sight and out of reach. Now cleared, my energy is flowing like a beautiful river, gently tumbling over boulders, and cleansing the stream along the way. What a liberation!
This clear and lasered process is what makes it so powerful and effective at clearing emotions which, too often, stay hidden beneath life’s frustrations and ongoing problems. Robin’s gentle and clear way of teaching the SKYourself process imbues each practitioner with this amazing healing modality which in turn, and through sharing, will help heal and lift the energy on this planet.”
—Joanne Warfield, Venice California